How to leave a review

Feedback is helpful to other customers like you and is invaluable to the growth of our small business. If you have a few short moments, we invite you to leave us a review.

Not sure what to say? Tell us about your experience (Were we friendly, helpful? Was the service personalised? The ordering process easy?) or the product you purchased (What is it and what do you love about it)? You can also visit the testimonials page and see our previous customers’ feedback.



Best way to let others know about your experience with us is to leave a Google review. Click the direct link below, which will open the window you need to be in. If you’re not already signed into your Google/Gmail account, you may be asked to do so. Rate us and leave a comment and that’s it, you’re done!



Prefer Facebook as a platform? Follow the link below to leave a recommendation. If you’re not already signed into your Facebook account, you may be asked to do so.



Above options are public comments. If you prefer to stay anonymous, you can just send us an email. We’ll use your review on our website or on our social platform but will not mention your name.